Supersize Me
What in the heck is a soup swap?!
Grass fed or grain fed; you decide...
The next chapter…
During the past year, I've learned quite a lot more from various people about food and have shared great meals with them. The magic that food enacted this past year is that it brought us all together in such a mutually comfortable atmosphere that we soon forgot our problems and differences. Once in this atmosphere, we've reveled in the splendor of flavors and explored the taste sensations of other cultures. We've been awakened by our own eyes, noses, and taste buds to determine and solidify our own likes and dislikes, without the use of technology and without justification. All in all, we celebrated "Us"!
During the past year I've gotten involved with various passionate people that want to make a difference in the community as well as the entire world, and I have been blessed with their friendships and their enthusiasms. In my involvement with these radical thinkers, I too have sensed the increased passion within me for helping others to make this world a better place. Together, we celebrated the lives of others!
This coming year, I will turn another chapter in my life called "The Big Five Oh" and anticipate the new challenges that await me. I'm eager with anticipation and excitement for what I'm about to face but more so for where it will lead. I sense an abundance of exciting opportunities and possibilities that will only help develop my true character and better define me as the person that I truly am. I face this new chapter with traditional and radical thinking both as a learner and as a teacher; and forge on with the commitment to join in the cause to help end world hunger through education and volunteer work. This is the promise that the New Year brings and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I eagerly welcome its arrival.
Making life a little sweeter...
Our Part for Sustainability
- Gama Farms - Fall Crops - Eggs, Onions, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Rashishes, Carrots, Quince, Guava, Pomelo, Oranges, Limes, Lemons
- Has Apple Farm - Great for pies and tarts. Ask for Tangy Lady when you stop by his tables!
- Jesse & Family - An all around family farm. Asparagus, Leeks, Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Peppers, Strawberries...and much more. Great produce, great farmer!!
- Launas Honey - Honey and Bees Wax Candles. The candles are lovely and everyone works so hard...the bees, Launa and her husband!!
- Parks Fruit - Parks farm is located in Riverside. They grow fruit year-round (apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, oranges, Jujubes, and much more).
- Peanut Dudes - Robert Sapp, Owner and Operator of Peanut, will be at our market every Sunday. Peanut Dudes sells GOURMET NUTS. Freshly roasted and packed. They stand behind their product to be the best in taste and quality. Robert has been in business for years. And has been there to provide a quality product for his customers. Stop by and say hello!
- Shortnin Bread - A local Artisan baking operation that produces responsibly made baked goods using the finest, local, sustainable, and organic ingredients whenever possible. Your farmers market patisserie, check them out weekly! Vegan and Sugar free items are coming soon!
- Bards Art - Through her company Bards Art, web designer Barbara Holbrook has helped Long Beach businesses and organizations get online. She comes to the Long Beach Sunday Market monthly to lead workshops on Wordpress, a free content management system for building and maintaining websites.
My kind of comfort
Weekend Cooking Marathon - Part 3
- Osso Buco Style Oxtail Stew with white rice
- Roasted Tri-Tip with au jus
- Rosemary Sea Bass with Old World Pilaf and Sauteed Sugar Snap Peas with Mandarin
- Shrimp and Scallop Lemon Scampi
I figured this would give Didi and I ample lunch and dinner choices for the week.
I'll skip the explanation of preparing the Oxtail Stew since I've given you the recipe back on June 6th. If you want to refer to it, you can look through the archived posts. Although I used some of homemade my beef stock instead of chicken stock since that's what's still on the stove simmering. Speaking of which, it was time for the stock to come out of the heat, cooled and stored in the refrigerator for later use.
After taking care of the stock, I filled up a pot with water and added Kosher salt to boil for my pasta. For pasta, you always want the water to taste as salty as sea water so the amount of salt you add will be determined by the amount of water you have in your pot. While waiting for the water to boil, I started working on the Tri-Tip.
Although it had a large section of fat (also known as fat cap), I kept it in tact to add more flavor to the meat. The very first thing to do was to marinade the meat so I took out my Food Saver marinating container and placed this huge hunk of beef in it (Blam!!!); sprinkled some Kosher salt (to season and to open up the pores) on all sides of the beef; then prepared the marinate.
I kept the marinate fairly simple - 1 cup of beef stock, 1 cup of red wine (I used Merlot), two tablespoons of Worscherster, 2 crushed cloves of garlic, a healthy pinch of ground black pepper, and for that extra "hey, there's an interesting flavor in it that I just can't put my finger on...", 1 tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar. I poured this mixture over the beef and closed the lid. I plugged in the small hose in the opening of the lid and plugged the other end of the hose to my Food Saver machine (model V2840) to suck the air out and pressurize the container. This pressurization method helps marinate the beef quicker because it helps open the pores of the meat so that the marinate can soak through to the middle. What would normally take a couple of hours was reduced to about 30 minutes.
Okay, got the Tri-Tip marinating in the fridge... On to the Shrimp and Scallop Lemon Scampi!
I added a whole package of fetuccini in the boiling water and stirred it to prevent it from sticking to each other. I took out some frozen shrimp from the freezer and set them in cold water to thaw. I get the bags of raw frozen shrimp (you guessed it...) with shell on. Thawing frozen shrimp takes about a couple of minutes to thaw in cold water so I started cutting the vegetables (1/2 cup of julienned carrots, 1/2 cup of julienned zucchini, 1/2 cup julienned onions, 2 cloves of minced garlic, and removed the stem side tips from the snow peas) immediately. After the vegetables, I de-shelled the shrimp leaving the last section of the shell and the tail in-tact. I placed the de-shelled shrimp immediately in the refrigerator and placed the shells in a quart size freezer bag, and placed it in the freezer for future shrimp stock use.
Originally, this recipe only consisted of shrimp, vegetables, and fetuccini; however Didi bought some fresh scallops from Costco the day before so I thought it would be nice to incorporate some for this dish.
The cooking process for the Shrimp and Scallop Lemon Scampi started with heating up 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of butter (unsalted) in large skillet. Once heated, I added the scallops making sure not to overcrowd them. The sound of sizzle needs to be heard once you put the first scallop in the pan (this means that the pan and oils are hot enough - if you don't hear the sizzle, take the scallop out immediately and wait for the pan to heat up more). Scallops don't take long to cook and the purpose here is to sear the top and bottom quickly. When seared properly, the scallops should have a golden color on both the top and bottom with uncooked middle. I set the seared scallops aside and placed the onions and carrots in the same pan to saute (I also added a pinch of Kosher salt in the pan to sweat the vegetables).
Next I tossed in the snow peas and zucchini - toss, toss; mix, mix... Then the minced garlic - toss, toss; mix, mix... Then I added the shrimp and scallops, a 1/2 cup of lemon juice (I used the one from the bottle since I forgot to get lemons), 3 tablespoons of butter, and healthy pinches of salt and ground pepper. Once the butter melted, I added about 12 ounces of the cooked fetuccini - toss, toss; mix, mix... Adjusted my seasoning with more salt and pepper to taste and immediately removed the pan from the heat. I distributed it amongst 4 small containers with lids, chopped and sprinkled fresh Italian parsley on top, cooled and placed in the refrigerator. One menu item down.... Note to self: Next time don't forget the fresh lemons and double up on the fetuccini.
Cleaned up - then took out the tri-tip to roast. As with all good roasts, the process starts with the browning of the meat so I heated up some olive oil in my 5 quart saute pan then threw in (gently... ) the meat. After about 2 - 3 minutes on one side, I flipped the meat over and waited another 2 - 3 minutes before pouring the marinate over the meat and placing the entire thing (pan and all) in a 300 degree oven (along with the stew). I didn't worry too much about how long to keep the meat in there as long as the internal temperature measures 125 degrees. Why 125 degrees?! Well I always account for residual cooking which happens during the resting time (the time between taking the meat out of the oven and cutting into it). Letting the meat rest for 5 minutes and tented (slightly covered; not wrapped) with aluminum foil generates enough heat to continue cooking the inside of the meat up to another 10 degrees. "Oh, My God!"
So while the tri-tip was resting, I started on the grains and vegetables.
How to cook white rice the no muss - no fuss method:
- I poured some white rice in a small sauce pan. Yes you can cook other things in this pan other than sauce!
- I went to the sink and filled the pan with water just to cover the rice.
- I swirled the rice and water with my right hand. Why the right hand? Because I was holding the handle of the pan with my left hand...
- Strained the water out.
- Repeated steps 2 through 4 one more time. Just to make sure that I got rid of as much starch as I can.
- Leveled the rice.
- Filled the pan with enough water so that when I touch the rice with my middle finger, the water comes up to the first joint of the finger. I don't know why this is but it always comes up with the right amount of water for white rice.
- Added a pinch of salt to the rice and water, and swirled.
- Placed the pan on the stove (uncovered).
- Turned the burner on to high.
- As soon as the water started boiling I turned the burner off.
- Covered the pan.
- Placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Wait, I couldn't put the rice in the oven because I've got it set for 300 degrees for the Oxtail stew. I had to adjust the time to take it out.
- After 30 minutes, I took the pan out of the oven and let it sit on top of the stove with the heat off. (Kept the lid on and took advantage of residual cooking, he he).
- After 10 minutes, I uncovered the pan and fluffed the rice with a fork.
White rice done! Next is the Old World Pilaf... This pilaf of course has a similar process as with the golden pilaf that I prepared the night before. This is another rice mixture that I got from Whole Foods which really turned out rather well.
Both grains are done! Now for the Rosemary Sea Bass... I cut a small sprig of rosemary from my plant outside, washed it quickly, removed the leaves from the branch and chopped them (the leaves, not the branch). Then I laid the sea bass on a plate and seasoned both sides with Kosher salt and ground black pepper. I spread some olive oil onto a baking sheet and placed the sea bass on this making sure that they have plenty of room between them. Then I divided the chopped rosemary leaves between the sea bass, sprikling them on top of each. Then I placed the baking sheet in the oven along with the stew and tri-tip.
Now for the sauteed sugar snap peas and mandarin...
I heated some olive oil in my medium sized skillet and dropped in my sugar snap peas; sprikled a pinch of Kosher salt and ground black pepper; toss, toss; mix, mix... Careful, don't burn the peas! Zest the mandarin onto the peas then quickly peel and separate the mandarin; toss them into the pan; toss, toss; mix, mix... Adjust the seasoning and turn the burner off. Add some fresh thyme leaves, and "Voila!"
I took the sea bass out of the oven (perfect!), scooped some Old World Pilaf into containers, divided the Sauteed Sugar Snap Peas and Mandarin to each container, and laid a sea bass on top of the pilaf of each container. Another menu item completed and cooled...
By then, it was time to take the stew out of the oven. I set the pot on the stove and uncovered it to released the fragrance of the stew. I let the stew cook an hour longer than usual and it really made a difference to the meat. I really liked the outcome of the longer cooking time - the meat was softer and yet still held on to the bone. I adjusted the seasoning with Kosher salt and pepper, then divided it amongst 4 more of our plastic containers, along with the white rice. Three menu items done!
I finished cooking the tri-tip to 125 degrees, took it out of the oven and tented it with aluminum foil for 5 - 10 minutes on top of the stove while I cleaned up the mess that I had created. After I was done with washing the dishes in the sink and wiping down counters, I cooled the tri-tip, transferred it to a large plastic container, and placed it in the refrigerator to be sliced within the next couple of days.
I was exhausted! Yet, I was exhilirated that I completed enough meals for Didi and I to get through the week. After cleaning up the last items in the sink, it was around 7:00 p.m.
I took our two dogs out for their long awaited playtime. Ilsa, the brown one, loves to play catch with her red ball while Aria, the black one, is just a cuddler and keeps to my side as she looks up at me with her deep dark eyes. It was really a nice way to relax and end the day.
Weekend Cooking Marathon - Part 2
Weekend Cooking Marathon
Mesclun Salad with Bitter Melon, Gorgonzola Cheese and Lemon Ginger Dressing
Bouquet Garni
A great way to incorporate flavor and aroma into a dish that you are cooking is to add a bouquet garni. This is a French term directly translated as "garnished bouquet" and is made by bundling herbs (traditionally, fresh parsley, fresh thyme, and fresh bay leaf) usually tied together with a string and dropped into the dish being cooked. Other items that typically go into bouquet garnis are crushed garlic cloves and peppercorns.

By the way, you don't have to stick with the traditional herbs for all of your dishes. You can vary what you include in your bouquet garni based on the type of food you're cooking. For example, in heartier dishes like beef stew, try using marjoram, oregano, rosemary, or sage. For light soups, try using basil to brighten the flavor. Experiment with the different combinations of flavors.
You can purchase tea infusers like the one on the photo or something similar at local kitchen equipment stores, department stores or online like Enjoying Tea dot com.
Mechado with Fried Polenta

Osso Buco Style Oxtail Stew

Herb, spice or seasoning?
I've often been asked about the differences between an herb, a spice and seasoning. The answer is in two parts.
- The first part of the answer addresses the difference between an herb and a spice. An herb is the leaf or petal of a plant or flower that is either dried or used fresh. There are a variety of herbs, such as St. Johns Wort, which are used for medicinal purposes, and herbacious plants used for decorating a room. However, for our purposes here, we will concentrate on the culinary herbs like basil, oregano, thyme, etc. Spices, on the other hand, are various parts of the plant, other than the leaf or petal, that are typically dried. Some examples of spices include cinnamon (the dried bark of small evergreen trees), peppercorns (the fruit of the flowering vine of a pepper plant in the botanical family Piperaceae), and saffron (the dried stigma of the crocous flower; also known to be the most expensive spice in the world due to the way it is harvested).
- The second part of the answer addresses the ingredient's relationship to the flavor. Herbs and spices add flavor to the dish, where as seasonings bring out or enhances the flavor of the dish. A good example of seasoning is salt. Yes salt adds salty taste to the dish but its main characteristic is that it brings out the flavor of the food that it is added to.
Is this really important? Probably not. What is important is knowing what each herb, spice, and seasoning does to the flavor of the food. There are herbs that usually go well with certain types of meats, and there are spices that are inherent of each cuisine. For example, thyme goes well with poultry, and just about any other meat product it is added to, whereas if you were cooking an Asian dish, chances are that you probably will not use rosemary. Tumeric is typically found in Indian dishes as part of a curry mix, whereas violets are typically found in French provencial cooking. Of course, these are only rules and rules are made to be broken. Overall, the best indicator of which herb, spice, or seasoning goes well for each dish is your taste.
Where do I begin?!
It feels like I've opened the doors to a whole new world and I'm free to explore in all sorts of directions. I'm overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of this opportunity to divulge my thoughts out into the open and at the same time, excited and filled with trepidation. I can just hear one of my coaches from my past, "take the first step and the rest of the steps will follow..."
Well, here goes...
The term "mise en place" (pronounced [miz·ã·plas]) is a French phrase which literally translates to "putting in place". In the culinary industry, it is a widely used term that describes the proper preparation of ingredients and equipment for food preparation and assembly stations. For every service in a professional kitchen, this is the starting point for all dishes created and served.
I chose "Mise en Place" as the title of this blog because I had intended for this blog to be my preparation and resource for developing projects. It will also serve as a vehicle to test out ideas such as recipes and techniques. Additionally, having this blog will force me to write more consistently and at the same time hopefully greatly develop my journalistic skills.
I also will be referring this blog spot as "My Kitchen" because at home, it is usually where all my friends and I congregate. It is my domain and the room that I feel most comfortable in. In this kitchen, I've specifically painted the walls in a maroonish-red and yellow motif to symbolize fire. I've also added some blues and greens to some areas to temper the heat and bring out the sizzle.
... So sit back, relax and make yourselves comfortable. Welcome to my kitchen...
About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
House Rules:
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
If you have any objections to these rules, get out of my kitchen!