Our Part for Sustainability
With ever increasing prices on food items, more and more people are starting to once again prepare their own meals as opposed to dining out or fast-food take-outs. Additionally, most of these 'born-again" cooks are more conscious of their health needs and would prefer using fresher ingredients.
The farmers markets have brought a resurgence in the way people took control of their food purchases with regards to freshness and cost efficiency. Purchasing food items, especially produce, at farmers markets is definitely a win-win situation for both the seller and the buyer. The synergy promotes an incentive for the seller to deliver lower-cost products as more buyers make purchases, and buyers are buying more because of fresher items since the sellers are local to the area.
Unlike major grocery chains, farmers market vendors are able to offer their items at a significantly reduced cost because they don't have the overhead that the major grocery stores have like electricity, shipping costs, and refrigeration. Farmers market vendors are also local to the areas which means that the travel time from the field to the market is reduced significantly; which equates to fresher produce.
Our part as consumers need to be continual and increased support for our local farmers. We also need to respect their locations during times of development so that they can continue to provide us with the freshest and most cost efficient food items available.
On Sunday, November 22, a new farmers market and community marketplace opens in California Heights. This market will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. every Sunday at the Longfellow Elementary Playground at 3088 Olive Avenue. It is made possible through a grant from the Connected Corridor Project, and it's goal is to raise funds to support green initatives in the local schools.
The market will feature fresh produce, prepared foods and a coffee cart. The market and location also includes a tot lot, chess club, art workshops, and lessons on gardening, cooking and recycling. There is also a pie baking contest for those bakers-at-heart. For more information, please visit www.longbeachsundaymarket.com
Some of the vendors include:
- Gama Farms - Fall Crops - Eggs, Onions, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Rashishes, Carrots, Quince, Guava, Pomelo, Oranges, Limes, Lemons
- Has Apple Farm - Great for pies and tarts. Ask for Tangy Lady when you stop by his tables!
- Jesse & Family - An all around family farm. Asparagus, Leeks, Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Peppers, Strawberries...and much more. Great produce, great farmer!!
- Launas Honey - Honey and Bees Wax Candles. The candles are lovely and everyone works so hard...the bees, Launa and her husband!!
- Parks Fruit - Parks farm is located in Riverside. They grow fruit year-round (apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, oranges, Jujubes, and much more).
- Peanut Dudes - Robert Sapp, Owner and Operator of Peanut Dudes.com, will be at our market every Sunday. Peanut Dudes sells GOURMET NUTS. Freshly roasted and packed. They stand behind their product to be the best in taste and quality. Robert has been in business for years. And has been there to provide a quality product for his customers. Stop by and say hello!
- Shortnin Bread - A local Artisan baking operation that produces responsibly made baked goods using the finest, local, sustainable, and organic ingredients whenever possible. Your farmers market patisserie, check them out weekly! Vegan and Sugar free items are coming soon!
- Bards Art - Through her company Bards Art, web designer Barbara Holbrook has helped Long Beach businesses and organizations get online. She comes to the Long Beach Sunday Market monthly to lead workshops on Wordpress, a free content management system for building and maintaining websites.
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About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
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