"Three basic requirements of every human being to physically survive are food, clothing, and
shelter..." my mom told my sisters and I when we were kids. Now that I'm at the ripe age of twenty five... alright, forty - - - eight - - - and a half, that lesson is still with me. "If you want to keep working," she continued, "you would be better off in the restaurant business because everybody will always need to eat." Aside from not accounting for FoodTV network, economic downturns and the influx of competitive chefs out there, she wasn't half wrong...
Well, I'm not writing this post to talk about my mom (for you see, mom is an honorable woman...), nor is this blog about me.
It is about the awakening and the realization that my mom was giving us a lesson in basic human survival. I also don't think that it's coincidental that she described the basic needs in that order - food, clothing, shelter. In order for any living creature to survive, they need to eat. In order for us to be healthy, we need to consume 2100 Kilocalories per day (on an average).
Unfortunately there are people around the world who get less than that per week and even more unfortunate ones who get less than that per month. Our bodies need calories because it converts it to energy. Without energy, our body slows down our physical and mental capacities, and if our bodies lack enough energy, we become immune tolerant to diseases even to the point of death. Sadly, the number of people in this situation is in the 963 million count, and the number continues to go up. Since 1990, the numbers are growing at an alarming rate of four million per year.
Malnutrition occurs when the body constantly does not get the daily requirements of micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It is the largest contributor of diseases, and when children suffer from malnutrition, they are susceptible to reduced physical and mental development. Malnutrition is a delibitating condition because it depletes the person of the will to live and is associated to 5.8 million deaths (according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004 July).
The world has an abundance of food and yet one in seven people is suffering from hunger, and one in three children is undernourished.
So, what can we do? Well, the best way to find out is to check out the World Food Program website at to learn more, and then get involved.
As for me, I am developing a three phase project starting with raising awareness. This will be my first step and contribution in making an impact for the cause to end world hunger. There is enough food to feed the entire global population of 6.7 billion people. There's no reason why anyone should go hungry.
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About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
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