Grass fed or grain fed; you decide...
Imagine being born in a cramped room without enough space to move forward, move backwards, or even turn around. Imagine from childhood being raised in a most strict diciplinary regiment where you are proded with electrical shocks everytime someone wants you to do anything for them. Imagine standing in your own feces day in and day out because there is not enough room to clean up after anyone. Imagine being ordered to stand up when you no longer have the strength in your legs even though you are constantly proded with an electric wand.
Imagine, as a young adult, being hung by your ankles upside down to be skinned and butchered while you are still alive.
This is no concentration camp. It is big business. Sadly, this is the fate that most farm animals meet who are born into corporate captivity; accounting for approximately 10 billion animals. We wouldn't want to be treated this way; we wouldn't want our pets to be treated this way; we shouldn't let anything be treated this way, even farm animals that are raised for food consumption.
The fact is that this is the situation in factory farms owned by the big four of the meat packing industry. It is a process hidden from us becuase we've stopped asking the questions regarding the sources of our food. The meats that we buy now comes in nicely packged containers where the beef is bright red on top and brown when we turn them over. The cattle raised for our consumption, that were then grass fed, are now fed corn to make them bulkier faster.
Corn is very disruptive to the cows stomaches so much so that they have to be constantly fed antibiotics to prevent from dying. Corn and other grains also develop highly acidic stomaches in these aminmals which creates a perfectt cultivation condition for microbial bacterias that are harmful to us. Through the constant feeding of antibitoics to these animals, the development of a antibiotic-resistant bacterias increases rendering "mircale drugs" useless.
It is these practices, by the commercial meat industry, that are responsible for the E. coli 0157:H7 bacteria outbreaks. Please understand that E. coli is not bad in itself; it would be similar to saying that all humans are bad. There are bad bacterias and good bacterias, as it is in the human gene pool. E. coli 0157:H7 is one of those bad bacterias that is harmful and causes food bourne illnesses to humans.
For beef, E. coli is a surface bacteria that can be erradicated through the cooking process; which is why it is perfectly okay to eat a rare steak where the outside of the meat is seared while the inside is still red. However when meat is grounded up and made into hamburger meat, the surface area becomes mixed with internal areas which is why it is never safe to eat undercooked hamburgers.
Additionally, grass fed cattle are much lower in fat, especially saturated fat, than grain fed cattle, and provides more Omega-3s and vitamin E (up to 4 times more). The downside to meats from grass fed cattle is the slight off flavor and odor that most people find undesirable.
This, by no means, is intended to be a dictative editorial but more so as a dissimination of information to assist in developing better understanding of how the food industry affects our lives and our health. It is a way to enlighten those who are in the dark so that we all can have insights to the decisions and paths that we choose with a clear view of where each path leads.
For those who would like to learn more, I will be posting more articles related to this subject. You can also check out other websites such as The Food Revolution, The Humane Society, and Food Inc.
Here's to a beautiful and healthier tomorrow!
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- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
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