A thought for the next upcoming years...
This is partly because for several years we have let large companies and fast food resturant industries dictate what we eat. We have sacrificed health over convenience and expeditious dining habits. The faster we can get our food, the faster we can consume it and get back to more important things, disregarding any notions that our health be important.
We no longer gather at the dining room tables to feast and conversate with family; instead we're always on the run eating in our vehicles on the way to our next destinations. We've abandoned dinner conversations for unsocial activities of viewing television while we consume our foods. We have been suckered into solitary slogans like "Don't bother me... I'm eating...", and that gorging slogans like "If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face..." is really the way to enjoy our meals. We have stopped sharing and savoring flavors with those we love, and wonder why we substitute food for loneliness on our journey to obesity.
Next year, I encourage you to make an effort in sharing extended dinners and food gatherings with your fiends and loved ones. Invite them for a round of stories shared at your dinner table to go along with wine and cheese tastings. Gather your neighbors around a community table and share your favorite soup recipe on January 22nd to celebrate Soup Swap Day. Bring the picnic inside and relish in a round of monopoly or your favorite board game with your family. Let's fight diabetes, obesity and loneliness with pairings of conversations, human interactions, and home cooked meals.
However you share these moments with your friends, families, and communities, not only will you be nourishing your body but also your spirit. When you do, share with me your experience. You can leave a comment here or send me an email. I would defenitely love to hear (or read) how you've benefited from the experience.
Until then, I wish you all a very prosperous and happy new year... See you in 2011.
Quinoa as a healthier alternative to rice
Pre-washed quinoa seeds ready for cooking. |
With the increasing awareness for eating healthy, many people are turning their focus to finding alternative ingredients that would provide them the most beneficial results from their everyday meals. One of these alternatives is the use of quinoa (pronounced “keen-wa”) in place of grains like rice.
- Pour the liquid and quinoa (and added seasonings if desired) in a small pot and bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat to a low simmer, cover the pot, and continue to cook for 15 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and let stand covered for an additional 10 minutes; then fluff with a fork before serving.
Beware of bad poaching...
No doubt that you probably thought of someone scampering in the night out in the middle of a field trying to steal some livestock of some sort. Indeed with a name like Gourmet Conspiracy, the word poaching tends to have a sinister connotation. I refer, of course to the cooking method and yet even this meaning might bring about memories of negative dining experiences.
How can this be?! It is because there are poachers out there that can't tell the difference between poaching and boiling. If this is your idea of poaching, shame on you!
Poaching is a wet cooking method where the food is cooked in a gently simmering liquid other than oil. This method of cooking is typically reserved for delicate ingredients that might easily fall apart or dry out through other types of cooking methods. Ideal foods for poaching include fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Additionally lean meats, like chicken, can also benefit from this cooking method.
It is important to know that poaching is done using low heat with short cooking time (typically not to exceed 60 minutes). The temperature of the poaching liquid is ideally around 160-185°F (71-85°C) and should not come to a boil which is around 212°F (100°C). If the food is cooked in boiling poaching liquid, the blood proteins excretes from meats and produces a white goo around the meat. Although it's harmless, it might be unsightly for some eaters. The point is - the liquid should be simmering to gentle boil but not rapid boil.
What's in the liquid?
First of all, the poaching liquid is called court bouillon. Don't let your mind wander with the word bouillon. It's not about a greasy cube that you drop into water to make chicken soup...
Court bouillon is a French term for "briefly boiled liquid " and traditionally consists of water, salt, white wine, mirepoix, and flavored with bouquet garni.
Variations to the liquid may include milk, fish fumet, or broth as substitute to water, and vinegar or lemon juice as subtitute to the wine.
The poaching liquid lacks animal gelatin (unlike stock) and is also not typically added to the finished dish. Make sure that your poaching liquid have enough flavor to carry through to whatever you're poaching.
Egg Poaching
The poaching liquid for poaching eggs consists of water and vinegar. Here's a video from Rouxbe.com on the steps for poaching eggs. The only variation that I would make to the process here is to break the egg into a small bowl before adding to the water. This helps insure that the yolks wont break as you gently slide the egg from the bowl to the water, and you are able to easily extract chips of the egg shell from the bowl rather than hot water.
Fellow gourmet conspirators, poach to your heart's content and keep your eyes out for bad poachers!
Don't let yourself be Quacked!

Is there a rainbow on your plate?
GMS - Another anamorphic delicacy
GMS - that's just wrong in every sense of the word. Look, instead of trying to develop longer lasting salmon or alter any other natural food item, let's just ease up on the heavy fishing, stop polluting the waters, the air, and the soil, and learn to use our natural resources properly...
To Label or Not Label Lab-Spawned Salmon
By JENNIFER CORBETT DOORENConsumer groups urged the Food and Drug Administration to require labeling of genetically modified salmon Tuesday, while industry representatives called on the FDA to stick to current rules the agency says prevent such labeling.
(Associated Press) Fresh wild King salmon rest on a bed of ice Monday at the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle. |
The FDA is considering whether to approve a type of salmon from AquaBounty Technologies Inc. that has been given a gene from another fish species designed to make it grow twice as fast as conventional Atlantic salmon.
If approved, the company's AquAdvantage salmon would be the first genetically modified animal meant to be eaten that received FDA clearance. The agency has already approved several types of genetically altered fruits and vegetables.
The FDA said it couldn't require a genetically modified product to carry a different label under current food-labeling rules, unless there was something materially different about the product.
For example, if an engineered salmon had a different level of fatty acids from that found in a conventional salmon, the FDA could require a label specifying the fatty-acid content. But a preliminary review of AquaBounty's salmon hasn't found any major differences between it and conventional Atlantic salmon.
Still, the agency held a public hearing Tuesday on the label, a day after a federal advisory panel discussed whether the FDA should approve the product. The panel didn't make a clear recommendation on what the FDA should do. Several panelists said the altered fish appeared safe to eat, while others said more research was needed to prove it.
The FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine will make a decision on whether to approve the modified salmon, while the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition will make a decision on the label. Both decisions are likely months away.
Michael Hansen, a senior scientist at Consumers Union, which publishes Consumer Reports, said during Tuesday's hearing that the genetic changes in AquaBounty's salmon amount to a "material" alteration in the food and should be labeled.
Alexis Baden-Mayer, who represented the Organic Consumers Association, said that "consumers want to know if their fish is genetically engineered."
In an FDA document prepared for the hearing, the agency said it "does not consider the fact that a food was made using genetic engineering, in and of itself, to be a material difference."
Industry representatives, including AquaBounty, urged the FDA to follow current labeling rules. AquaBounty's Richard Clothier added that it would clearly label products given to fish growers.
The FDA earlier decided that milk from cows given a growth hormone to produce more milk shouldn't be labeled differently. The FDA said milk from the treated cows was no different from other milk, and a court upheld that reasoning.
The FDA allows milk makers to state on their packages that the milk doesn't come from cows given a growth hormone, so long as the makers don't imply that such milk is healthier or better.
Write to Jennifer Corbett Dooren at jennifer.corbett-dooren@dowjones.com
Can a name change booster sales?
"A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet..."Most companies would have us believe that a change of name would be an indication of a much improved product. Although this has proven to be true for some companies, it is not always the case for most. Be that as it may, there is something to be said about the correlation of changing the name of a product or company and boosting its sales. Take for example a famous search engine that started back in 1996 called "Backrub". Don't recognize the name?! I guarantee you know it by its well known name of "Google".
From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 1600
How about a drink called "Brad's Drink" from 1893? It later changed its name to "Pepsi" in 1898.
Or how about an internet based company that started in September 1995 called "AuctionWeb"? Don't recognize the name? Perhaps "EBay" rings a bell...
Recently the Corn Refiners Association Wants to Change the Name of High Fructose Corn Syrup to "Corn Sugar". Here's what the Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) had to say...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 15, 2010 11:08 AM | CONTACT: Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) Phone: 202-332-9110 |
Proposed Name Change for High-Fructose Corn Syrup Still Misleading
Statement of CSPI Executive Director Michael F. Jacobson
I don't know if "corn sugar" is the best term to replace "high-fructose corn syrup" because it sounds like the sugars come right out of the corn. Canada calls the ingredient glucose-fructose syrup; another option might be "chemically modified corn sweetener."
Labor Day Weekend to Remember...
Then, we got onto some heavy discussion about some serious talk. Roger is a very down-to-earth kind of person. I asked him about his future projects and he asked a little about myself. By the way, he's also into music and apparently he's got a band of his own - go figure...
I know what you're asking - "What are his future projects?!" Well, you'll just have to wait but I guarantee that it'll be worth waiting for...
After getting distracted with Zeppoles from Rosa's Bella Cucina, we headed back onto the Hollywood Stage to see the band She and Him and end our day from this fabulous event. Quite the appropirate ending as I got to see Zooey Deschanel, an angel sent down from Heaven to grace us mere mortals with her elegance, beauty, and earthly aura.
I was a little bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to meet her in person, perhaps chat with her a little and get a picture taken with her; hand her my business card and say "Zooey, next time that you're in the market for a caterer, look me up..." Hey, it could happen!
Heirloom Tomatoes Salad on mixed greens with fresh basil, drizzled with strawberry balsamic vinegar and olive oil |
Grilled ribeye steak with adobo spice rub on roasted baby potatoes and grilled vegetables |
To Market, To Market, To Buy a Fat Pig...
Excerpt from the PBS website:
If shoppers want to buy really fresh salad greens or perfectly ripe raspberries or a culinary surprise of the best sort, they'll want to find an old-fashioned market -- like a farmers' market or a vintage market house -- with a variety of vendors.
From the Lexington Market in Baltimore (which has some of the best crab cakes in the world) to the small but exotic Hilo Farmers' Market on the Big Island of Hawaii (full of fruits and vegetables that aren't always familiar), this tour of a few outstanding markets will delight and amaze. The variety of products and people keep the program as juicy and tender as an August peach in North Carolina.
Produced by Rick Sebak of WQED Pittsburgh, TO MARKET TO MARKET TO BUY A FAT PIG is the latest in a diverse set of public television specials that identify and applaud some often overlooked aspects of American culture. In 2005, Sebak celebrated burial places in A CEMETERY SPECIAL; in 2004, he pointed out wacky architecture in A PROGRAM ABOUT UNUSUAL BUILDINGS & OTHER ROADSIDE STUFF. Several of his works, including A HOT DOG PROGRAM, AN ICE CREAM SHOW and GREAT OLD AMUSEMENT PARKS, have become summertime traditions on PBS stations across the country.
"This time we wanted to talk to buyers and sellers, foodies and farmers. We wanted to check out the scrumptious eccentricities of American markets," says Sebak. "We don't include some of the major markets that are celebrated regularly on cable networks. We tried to go instead to unexpected locations and less familiar food spots, like the Western North Carolina Farmers Market on the outskirts of Asheville. And we spent a whole day amid the international abundance that makes Your Dekalb Farmers Market in Decatur, Georgia, totally unforgettable.
"Our only regret is that we have but an hour of time to squeeze in all the great places we visited," Sebak continues. "They're all different and distinctive. Sometimes I think the only factor that links these places together is the word 'market' itself."
The film features an early morning visit to the Santa Fe Farmers' Market, which sprouts up in a parking lot each week and where shoppers can find beautiful baby bok choy, lean local bison meat, homemade baked goods and raspberry-and-red-chile jam. Farmer Matt Romero laughs when he admits that the market's customers are unpredictable. "You'll see people there who really love fresh food who don't make very much money, and you'll see millionaires, shopping side by side," he says. "And there's no way to tell them apart, so we treat them all equal."
Sebak and his crew also go to Cleveland where the West Side Market has been a major landmark since 1910. Some people assume that the magnificent vaulted structure was once a train station, but it was designed and built as a market house; there are architectural details in sculpted stone that let passersby know that inside there are leafy green vegetables, live seafood and fresh meat. Customers appreciate the history that comes with the building. Lisa Cutner says, "It's sort of like home because it's been here forever. I can remember my grandfather used to bring us down here when we were little, and it pretty much looks the same."
The program also includes a stop at the Central Market in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which may be the oldest continually operating market space in America -- it has records that date to 1742. "I also loved Lancaster," says Sebak, "because that's where we met Anne Wilson, who sells nothing but celery. And people crave it because it's a local specialty. You can also get ground-on-the-premises horseradish there that's excellent too. I'd go back for more of that any day, although Central Market is open only on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays."
TO MARKET TO MARKET TO BUY A FAT PIG also includes some shopping at the Wednesday market in Santa Monica, California, which is just a few blocks from the Pacific Ocean. From 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., farmers from miles around come to meet their customers and sell their tastiest and timeliest fruits, vegetables and flowers. Leyla Coban, a young French woman who sells asparagus and artichokes there, says, "There's a certain energy in the farmers' market. It connects you to your roots. There's a special joie de vivre."
That "certain energy" is perhaps what makes markets such satisfying places for socializing, as well as shopping. "People talk to each other in markets," says Sebak, "and we were happy to meet and talk with so many people who helped us capture some of the joys and surprises of these places. As people continue to learn that 'fresh' and 'local' are important qualities, we hope this show might inspire a visit or two to a market in your neighborhood."
Underwriters: Public Television Viewers, PBS and Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
This video is available for rental through Netflix, or you can purchase it directly from the PBS on-line shopping page.
Long Beach Sunday Market Report - August 22, 2010
"What's in a name.?..."
With this change, I'm also thinking about changing the name of this blog from its current generic name "Mise En Place" to a more appropirate one called "The Conspiring Gourmets". The name change of this blog site was primarily due to my search of Mise En Place on Google displaying a myriad of results. Plus I want to have a blog site title that corresponds with the company name to make it easier for everyone to remember.
There's really no effect to our readers as we are going to continue providing more information about what's happening in the culinary industry as well as food in general.
Long Beach Sunday Market Report - August 15, 2010
OC Jerky is a distributor of one the most well-known and respected name in the Beef Jerky industry and that is Jerky Hut. Every product that they provide is made of the highest quality meats and guaranteed to be the freshest and most flavorful to the last bite.
Their Jerky products are not dehydrated like most Jerky product, but smoked for a full bodied taste which is DELICIOUS and NUTRITIOUS as a treat or snack. Because of this process, you can expect their Jerky to have some meat on it and be full of flavor.
From seed to fruition
I've tasted fresh produce and have compared it to the produce bought at large super markets. There is just no substitute for freshness. The fact of the matter is that most produce, if not all of them, start to die as soon as they get picked. Some die slower than others but overall that they start losing their freshness.
The produce that is bought in large super markets sometimes travels for several days prior to reaching the store. To circumvent this issue and prolong the life, the produce is picked before they are ripe and some are injected or introduced to chemicals and gasses to simulate freshness. This is the reason why local farms are important to the production and distribution of freshness.
Many urban farms are sprouting up around the Long Beach area, and this is a good thing. More local farms means less travel time for the produce. This means more fresh ingredients to be had. Not only is there freshness being produced here but also green; and by "green" I mean environmentally friendly. Most of the urban farmers are environmentally conscious and are using natural means of reducing and eliminating garden pests. I've learned a technique called interplanting from one of the farmers where the combination of certain plants would deter bugs away from other plants. One example that he gave was to plant basil around tomatoes. Basil, an annual, is also successful in distracting bugs away from tomatoes so they are a great natural pesticide for tomato plants.
Sasha Kanno, the Director at Wrigley Gardens, is working on developing an amazing local farm in Long Beach which would help provide local jobs, as well as a financial benefit to the City. It will promote a great source for healthy and fresh local ingredients to be available for families and local food establishments. I encourage you to view the video and get involved. This is much needed resource within the community so please donate to the project.
Sasha Kanno is a floral designer by trade but has also been a backyard farmer since childhood. She is the Director of Wrigley Garden; a community garden started in the spring of 2009 with its 40 plots, 14 hens and a small orchard she has fed many hungry mouths. She is also one of the founders of the Wrigley co‐op food exchange which harvests, shares and preserves the excess produce from our city.
Farm Lot 59, a biointensive mini farm is a new venture but she is dedicated to its success: “I am already growing amazing food and this farm will help me take it to the next level. This is the direct connection to the food that nourishes us all throughout our lives. Long Beach use to be full of agriculture, let's get back to our roots. Our children should be able to have wonderfully fresh food while growing up in the city.”
SIP at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach
The lounge greeted us with an inviting and relaxing atmosphere full of people sharing a common interest in food and spirits. As we headed further into the crowd and to the cheese station, I met up with Andrew Gruel and Dave Anderson of Seafood for the Future to say, "hello" and chat for a bit, then indulged in some blue cheese, date, and crostini. Delish!
I found a purpose....
I was really ecstatic to have realized the dream of going to culinary school, and really started to move forward my passion. In school, I was energized and I started realizing that this was IT! This is how people become alive when they are faced with their destined dreams realized. Cooking and learning about proper food handling, production and presentation kept me even more motivated to do more. The more I did, the more I learned about the industry and the business of food. Consequently, the more I learned about the food industry, the more I realized that there's a problem with a lot of the processed foods that I used to eat. I started searching on the Internet for more information, read books about nutrition, spoke with friends and acquaintances who were registered nutritionists and dietitians, and watched segments on the Green Channel for anything regarding agriculture, cooking, food production, and waste management. I also made a point to watch the movie documentaries "Food Inc.", "We Feed The World", and "The Cove"; and I was disgusted by what I saw and heard.
In my recollection growing up, most of the Grandpas and Grandmas died of old age, and never heard of Diabetes, Celiac Disease, nor Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They all ate natural foods now considered to be unhealthy - full of saturated fat & carbohydrates. Today, three out of five people I know are diabetic, and I know of at least two or three people suffering from gluten intolerance.
Walking into the room, I was a little bit intimidated especially not recognizing anyone. I spotted Chef Paul Buchanan sitting at the front table so I headed his way. Halfway there, I saw Chef Michael Poompan of the Renaissance Hotel, and we shook hands and made our way to where Paul was sitting. After a brief chat with Paul, I saw Kelli Johnson, Long Beach Sunday Market organizer for California Heights. As I was about to sit down, I was surprised and pleased to see one of my Kitchen Academy classmates, Devin Welch. Devin is a registered dietitian who has done a lot of work with the Long Beach Unified District and introduced me to Cecilia Slater. I was in good company.
Chef Paul Buchanan of Primal Alchemy was the first presenter and he shared personal stories of his experiences teaching 4th and 5th grade kids the differences between good food and bad food, providing them with the understanding of where food comes from and reading food labels through his involvement with the Days of Taste Program created by the American Institute of Wine and Food. He presented a video that showed family members, both kids and parents learning to change their food purchasing and eating habits, as well as engaging in more family oriented activities. It was a great testimony that change can happen, and that families would benefit greatly from the change.
Other presenters included Helene Calvert, M.D. - Health Officer for the City of Long Beach who talked about the obesity epidemic in Long Beach; Elisa Nicholas, M.D., MSPH of the Children's Clinic for the Long Beach Alliance for Food and Fitness who addressed the epidemic in further detail; Cecilia Slater - Nutritional Services Director for the Long Beach Unified District who spoke on nutrition services, opportunities and challenges in the school district; Stefan Harvey - Assistant Director at the California Center for Public Health Advocacy who addressed local and state policies; and Chef Ann Cooper "Renegade Lunch Lady" who brought perspective to the nutritional past, present, and future of school lunches.
After hearing all of the presenters, I thought to myself, "This is where I belong and this is what I was meant to do..." As a chef, I have an obligation not only to feed the hungry but also to be responsible for the health conditions that I effect for those who eat what I prepare, and the preservation for availability of our resources.
There is a definite shift in the way that people are looking at what they eat and how they eat; and yet there's still a good majority of people who are uninformed and mislead.
I feel blessed to be associated with people who are making a difference for a better and healthier future and even more excited for the opportunity in being a part of this movement.
An aromatic bouquet and knowledgeable and hospitable staff will greet you at the door and keep you coming back to Old Town Spice Merchants of Temecula for all your spice needs.
For information on the Temecula Valley Cheese Company, at 42072 Fifth St. in the Penfold Plaza, call (951) 693-9500.
Regardless of which shops you visit, you won't be disappointed by the variety of flavors to choose from just in this small section of Old Towne Front Street.
Mom's Pie House
Mom's Pie House is a full service one of-a-kind pie shop. Mom's is famous for making apple pie that would make Grandma proud. All of their pies are made fresh daily, by skilled bakers using only the finest fruit and purest ingredients available.
Mom's History
Mom's Pie House was created, from scratch, in December 1984 by Anita Nichols, "Mom" to Laurie, Teak, Erica and Jesse. She had a vision - to make a delicious, homemade pie from the already famous Julian apples. When she first opened, in the old Julian Cafe building, the bakery measured a whopping 10 by 22 feet, and had very cozy seating for two! Mom used one small electric oven for all of her baking, and peeled her own apples using a counter-mounted peeler.
Mom's flaky crusts and not-too-sweet fillings were a hit with locals and tourists alike, and a line snaking outside the door of the tiny bakery became commonplace. In the fall of 1987, Mom began to expand the bakery to include a larger kitchen and more seating. She also started baking cookies, cinnamon rolls, and other sweet homemade treats.
Twenty years of hard work later, Mom is still rolling out those flaky piecrusts in the front window, smiling at the eager, hungry faces peering in at her, and is still creating a high quality, mouth-watering, homemade pie!
A gnew look at gniocchi
Stay tuned...
Grilling and Broiling
- Hot Smoking exposes the food to smoke and heat at temperatures between 165°F (74°C) to 185°F (85°C). This is the ideal range that produces fully cooked, moist and flavorful foods. If the smoker is allowed to get hotter than 185°F (85°C), the food shrinks excessively because the higher temperatures cooks away both moisture and fat.
- Smoke Roasting or Smoke Baking is often referred to as barbecuing, pit-roasting, or pit-baking that exposes the food to smoke and heat temperatures above 250°F (121°C).
- Cold Smoking primarily is used as a flavor enhancer to foods such as protein-based items, and other food items. The food is typically cold smoked for a short period of time just long enough to infuse the smokey flavor into the food. The temperature of the smoke and heat is maintained below 100°F (38°C). In this temperature range, foods take on a rich, smokey flavor, develop a deep mahogany color, and tend to retain a relatively moist texture. They are not cooked as a result of the smoking process, however and are usually combined with other cooking techniques to achieve the desired cooking doneness.
The MOOve towards a healthier meat consumption
- Development of a direct working relationship with the source.
- Since the exchange in the transaction is between two parties, the cost of the purchase is much less. Grass fed beef averages out to be about $3 to $5 per pound compared to about $16 at Whole Food stores.
- A healthier option without the sacrifice of omitting meats from your diet (for those meat lovers).
- Personal contribution on the elimination of animal cruelty in factory farms.
As with everything, there's also some disadvantages that is important to keep in mind:
- Takes a large outlay of funds at the time of purchase especially for smaller family groups.
- Takes a large commitment of freezer storage space. A typical side of beef weighs about 250 lbs. If there are four families sharing a cow, that's approximately about 125 lbs. of meat for each.
- Some cuts might not be possible to get based on choices by other familes in the group. For example, if a family want's Porterhouse steaks, that eliminates another family from getting filet and New York cuts since both of these make up the Porterhouse cut.
If you are interested in cow pooling or cattle sharing, you'll have to search for a farmer or rancher offering this service local to your area. One rancher providing this service in Southern California is Megan McDowell of MM Livestock Co located in Wildomar, California. Along with cows, she also sells sheep. The sheep are crossbreeds of Suffolk and Dorper, and the cows are primarily Angus/Semmintal. The meats are Certified Naturally and Humanely Raised, and are U.S.D.A. inspected, graded and processed . They are also hormone, steroid and antibiotic free.
Roasting and Baking
Roasting and baking are two types of cooking techniques using the dry heat method. They are very similar in that they use dry heat (either from a flame, the oven, or other heat source) to cook the food. The difference is that the food is kept whole during roasting, and typically involves a browning process called Maillard Reaction (pronounced mī′yär rē′ak·shən) prior to the actual roasting of the food. In contrast, the baking process are done with individually portioned items and bypasses the browning of the food before baking.
Since this method of cooking uses heated air circulating around the food, it is important to keep in mind that the fattier the food item is being roasted, the more moisture it will retain during cooking. Leaner meats like poultry and today’s cuts of pork have a tendency of drying out especially if the meat is even a little overcooked. A couple of ways to remedy this for leaner meats is to either inject them with seasoned liquid such as a brine mixture or stock, or soak them in a brine solution (brining) prior to cooking.
Brining is a process of soaking food items in a liquid solution that includes water and salt as its basic ingredients. In the past, brining was done to preserve meats by extracting moisture to extend shelf life and prevent the meat from spoiling. Since the advent of mechanical refrigeration, this process has been abandoned by almost all meat processors.
Today, brining is used primarily to add flavor and moisture to the food prior to cooking. This will often be referred to as “flavor brining”.
(See the article by Julia Collin on The Basics of Brining)
Maillard Reaction:
This browning process is a very important step in roasting foods, especially meats; and is often referred to as "searing". It intensifies the flavor of the food and adds to the presentation during serving.
The maillard reaction is achieved when amino acids react with a reducing sugar when heat is introduced. It is named after Louis-Camille Maillard, the chemist who first introduced it in the 1910s while attempting to reproduce biological protein synthesis.
The maillard reaction occurs at temperatures 285°F (140°C) or above and can be done over a stovetop or in the oven. For this reaction to take place there needs to be three factors present – High heat, low moisture levels and high alkaline conditions.
Ø On the stovetop – The cooking vessels ideal for this procedure are made of stainless steel materials.
1. Heat the cooking vessel prior to adding the oil (to gauge the temperature of the cooking vessel, check out this video from Rouxbe).
Rouxbe Online Cooking School & Video Recipes
2. Once the cooking vessel is at the correct temperature, add the oil.
3. Make sure to pat the surface of the food dry prior to seasoning and placing in the cooking vessel. Excess moisture in the surface of food will cause oil splatter.
4. Brown the food on all sides before continuing with the next steps of your cooking process.
Ø In the oven – The only requirement regarding cooking vessels using this method is that it be oven safe at higher temperatures.
1. Heat the oven to at least 285°F (140°C) for smaller sized foods, all the way up to 400°F (204°C) for larger sized food like whole turkey.
2. Place the food item in the cooking vessel large enough for the air to circulate around the food. Typically the cooking vessel is the same one that the food will be finished in. In lieu of this, roasting food should be elevated high enough from the bottom of the pan so as not to have contact with any liquid that escapes from the meat during the cooking process (remember, roasting is a dry heat cooking method). Food can be elevated using racks or chunks of vegetables like large cuts of carrots, celery, and onions. As with the stovetop method, it is important to make sure that the surface of the food is patted dry of excess moisture.
3. Place the cooking vessel with the food to be browned in the oven and brown to the desired color intensity.
4. Reduce the temperature of the oven and continue with the next steps of your cooking process.
Once the brining and browning process is done, the rest of the roasting process is very simple. The main points to remember here is the size of the food being roasted typically determines the temperature and cooking time.
Ø Slow Roasting uses temperatures between 200° - 325°F (90° - 160°C) and are ideal for larger cuts of meats and whole large poultry. The benefit to these temperatures is less moisture loss and a tender finished product. The muscles of the meat tend to lose a lot of water at higher temperature rates.
Ø High temperatures are typically used for roasting smaller cuts of meats like fillet mignon or strip loin that are small enough to finish cooking before the juices escape.
As with roasting, one important factor to keep in mind is that the more internal moisture the food item has, the faster it will cook.
Meats should be allowed to rest after the cooking process. This allows the moisture that is driven toward the center of the meat during cooking to be redistributed as the protein molecules relax and are able to reabsorb some moisture. As a result, less juice runs out of the meat when you cut into it. The larger the food item is, the longer the rest period. Smaller items like individually portioned steaks or chicken breasts can rest between 5 - 7 minutes, and larger items like whole turkey or beef roasts can rest between 10 - 15 minutes prior to carving.
It is also important to realize that foods continue to cook even after it is removed from the heat. This is called "carry over cooking" or "residual heat cooking". This being said, it is ideal to remove the food from the heat source prior to reaching the ideal cooked temperature, and tented with aluminum foil to take advantage of this carry over cooking stage during the rest period. Smaller items can be taken out at least 5 degrees prior to final temperature, and larger items can be taken out at least 10 degrees prior to final temperature. (Click here for a guide on how to use a meat thermometer and temperature chart for each type of meat).
We’re all conspiring to be gourmet so cook to your heart’s content!
About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
House Rules:
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
If you have any objections to these rules, get out of my kitchen!