Bouquet Garni
A great way to incorporate flavor and aroma into a dish that you are cooking is to add a bouquet garni. This is a French term directly translated as "garnished bouquet" and is made by bundling herbs (traditionally, fresh parsley, fresh thyme, and fresh bay leaf) usually tied together with a string and dropped into the dish being cooked. Other items that typically go into bouquet garnis are crushed garlic cloves and peppercorns.

By the way, you don't have to stick with the traditional herbs for all of your dishes. You can vary what you include in your bouquet garni based on the type of food you're cooking. For example, in heartier dishes like beef stew, try using marjoram, oregano, rosemary, or sage. For light soups, try using basil to brighten the flavor. Experiment with the different combinations of flavors.
You can purchase tea infusers like the one on the photo or something similar at local kitchen equipment stores, department stores or online like Enjoying Tea dot com.
Mechado with Fried Polenta

Osso Buco Style Oxtail Stew

Herb, spice or seasoning?
I've often been asked about the differences between an herb, a spice and seasoning. The answer is in two parts.
- The first part of the answer addresses the difference between an herb and a spice. An herb is the leaf or petal of a plant or flower that is either dried or used fresh. There are a variety of herbs, such as St. Johns Wort, which are used for medicinal purposes, and herbacious plants used for decorating a room. However, for our purposes here, we will concentrate on the culinary herbs like basil, oregano, thyme, etc. Spices, on the other hand, are various parts of the plant, other than the leaf or petal, that are typically dried. Some examples of spices include cinnamon (the dried bark of small evergreen trees), peppercorns (the fruit of the flowering vine of a pepper plant in the botanical family Piperaceae), and saffron (the dried stigma of the crocous flower; also known to be the most expensive spice in the world due to the way it is harvested).
- The second part of the answer addresses the ingredient's relationship to the flavor. Herbs and spices add flavor to the dish, where as seasonings bring out or enhances the flavor of the dish. A good example of seasoning is salt. Yes salt adds salty taste to the dish but its main characteristic is that it brings out the flavor of the food that it is added to.
Is this really important? Probably not. What is important is knowing what each herb, spice, and seasoning does to the flavor of the food. There are herbs that usually go well with certain types of meats, and there are spices that are inherent of each cuisine. For example, thyme goes well with poultry, and just about any other meat product it is added to, whereas if you were cooking an Asian dish, chances are that you probably will not use rosemary. Tumeric is typically found in Indian dishes as part of a curry mix, whereas violets are typically found in French provencial cooking. Of course, these are only rules and rules are made to be broken. Overall, the best indicator of which herb, spice, or seasoning goes well for each dish is your taste.
Where do I begin?!
It feels like I've opened the doors to a whole new world and I'm free to explore in all sorts of directions. I'm overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of this opportunity to divulge my thoughts out into the open and at the same time, excited and filled with trepidation. I can just hear one of my coaches from my past, "take the first step and the rest of the steps will follow..."
Well, here goes...
The term "mise en place" (pronounced [miz·ã·plas]) is a French phrase which literally translates to "putting in place". In the culinary industry, it is a widely used term that describes the proper preparation of ingredients and equipment for food preparation and assembly stations. For every service in a professional kitchen, this is the starting point for all dishes created and served.
I chose "Mise en Place" as the title of this blog because I had intended for this blog to be my preparation and resource for developing projects. It will also serve as a vehicle to test out ideas such as recipes and techniques. Additionally, having this blog will force me to write more consistently and at the same time hopefully greatly develop my journalistic skills.
I also will be referring this blog spot as "My Kitchen" because at home, it is usually where all my friends and I congregate. It is my domain and the room that I feel most comfortable in. In this kitchen, I've specifically painted the walls in a maroonish-red and yellow motif to symbolize fire. I've also added some blues and greens to some areas to temper the heat and bring out the sizzle.
... So sit back, relax and make yourselves comfortable. Welcome to my kitchen...
About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
House Rules:
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
If you have any objections to these rules, get out of my kitchen!