A thought for the next upcoming years...
This is partly because for several years we have let large companies and fast food resturant industries dictate what we eat. We have sacrificed health over convenience and expeditious dining habits. The faster we can get our food, the faster we can consume it and get back to more important things, disregarding any notions that our health be important.
We no longer gather at the dining room tables to feast and conversate with family; instead we're always on the run eating in our vehicles on the way to our next destinations. We've abandoned dinner conversations for unsocial activities of viewing television while we consume our foods. We have been suckered into solitary slogans like "Don't bother me... I'm eating...", and that gorging slogans like "If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face..." is really the way to enjoy our meals. We have stopped sharing and savoring flavors with those we love, and wonder why we substitute food for loneliness on our journey to obesity.
Next year, I encourage you to make an effort in sharing extended dinners and food gatherings with your fiends and loved ones. Invite them for a round of stories shared at your dinner table to go along with wine and cheese tastings. Gather your neighbors around a community table and share your favorite soup recipe on January 22nd to celebrate Soup Swap Day. Bring the picnic inside and relish in a round of monopoly or your favorite board game with your family. Let's fight diabetes, obesity and loneliness with pairings of conversations, human interactions, and home cooked meals.
However you share these moments with your friends, families, and communities, not only will you be nourishing your body but also your spirit. When you do, share with me your experience. You can leave a comment here or send me an email. I would defenitely love to hear (or read) how you've benefited from the experience.
Until then, I wish you all a very prosperous and happy new year... See you in 2011.
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About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
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Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
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