Mesclun Salad with Bitter Melon, Gorgonzola Cheese and Lemon Ginger Dressing
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've posted something new so I thought I better get back to this blog. Recently I've been concentrating on a few various projects, one of which is a series of how to videos on cooking. This segment is a sample of a video that we recorded at the Bolivar Park Community Center in Lakewood. It originated from a project that I put together, along with the assistance of some of my close friends. This is a rough edit and a pilot segment so please do give me your thoughts on this. Thanks everyone, and enjoy.
Labels:bitter melon,cheese,cooking,ginger,gorgonzola,lemon,mesclun,salad | 0
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About Me

- Chef Sam Paano
- I am the co-owner and founder of Gourmet Conspiracy, a personal chef and catering service based in Lakewood, California. My objective here is to provide open communication about various types of food and their benefits towards our health. As far as my training, I graduated from Kitchen Academy in July 2007 with high honors. I have a great deal of passion about learning the cooking styles and techniques from various cultures and incorporating them in fusion dishes.
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Rule #1: You may comment as much and as often as you wish but I have the final decision on what is posted on this site. I have the right to and will delete any material or information entry that I deem inappropriate.
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
If you have any objections to these rules, get out of my kitchen!
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Rule #3: No shirts - no shoes - no service!
If you have any objections to these rules, get out of my kitchen!